Year: 1917
Runtime: 9 mins
Description: Troops of a Moroccan division behind the lines in Champagne march in road column, led by their band, through a village to their sports. The sports include a football match and a mule race as well as athletics. A Voisin 8 aircraft flies overhead. A percussion band plays various Moroccan instruments in accompaniment to a sword dance. Some local ladies give out prizes.Near the front a railway siding shows some shell damage. Women in uniform help clear up the rubble. Other women work in a nearby factory and steelworks. Molten metal is poured into a Bessemer converter, and steel is forged and shaped. The factory is guarded by soldiers with a Hotchkiss machine gun on an anti-aircraft mount.The award is made for Madame Marchal's help to wounded French soldiers in 1914. The military honour guard marches into position and a senior officer (not clearly seen) makes the presentation. Shown in portrait shot the lady, who is in civilian clothes, has healing face scars.At the village of Vailly the French have captured the German trench and wire system reasonably intact. A new wooden bridge has been built across the Aisne to replace that blown up by the Germans, and French transport crosses. A pan over the new German positions on a ridge with the village of Chavonne in the foreground. The ruins of the village of Soupir. A battery of 155mm howitzers shells the German positions. A soldier explores a collapsed German dugout.A Spahi Cavalry regiment makes a formal marchpast. General Sarrail, on horseback, presents the colonel of the regiment to the Greek Prime Minister, M E Venizelos. The review continues and the horsemen gallop off at its end.
I. French newsreel item of a Moroccan division's sports behind the lines in Champagne, Western Front, early May 1917.II. French newsreel item of women working on the Home Front, early May 1917.III. French newsreel item of the award of the Croix de Guerre to Madame Marchal, France, early May 1917.IV. French newsreel item of villages north of Soissons reoccupied by the French after the German retreat of February, Western Front, early May 1917.V. French newsreel item of their own forces on the Salonika Front, April or May 1917.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Marchal (Madame) / Venizelos, Eleutherios / Sarrail, Maurice / French Army, [colonial troops] / French Army / French Army / French Army, [spahis] / recreation, French military - sport: athletics / recreation, French military - sport: football / recreation, French military - casual / recreation, Moroccan military - casual / society, Moroccan military - ethnic / recreation, Moroccan military - dance / aircraft, French - combat: Voisin 8 / destruction, French military - area: artillery bombardment / industry, French - primary / weapons, French - smallarm (mounted): Hotchkiss machine gun / society, French military - precautionary / ceremonies, French - event-related: investiture / destruction, French military - area / demolition, German - denial / weapons, French - gun: 155mm howitzer / combat, French - artillery bombardment / defences, German - emplacement: [captured] / ceremonies, French - display / delegations, Greek international - state / 01/3(4-15).6 / 31/3(44) / 31/3(44) / 01/3(4-15).6 / First World War, Salonika Front & 4/1917=5/1917 / Marne, France / France / World War, 1914-1918 -- France / France / World War, 1914-1918 -- France / Vailly-sur-Aisne, Aisne, France / Aisne (River), France / Chavonne, Aisne, France / Soupir, Aisne, France / Greece & Salonika area, Macedonia / Race / sex
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Section Cinématographique de l'Armée Française
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type: